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‘奥门新浦京网999’你信吗? 黑客可以从脑电波中猜到密码!

发布日期:2024-07-25 01:32浏览次数:
本文摘要:Researchers have revealed that brainwaves can be used to steal online passwords.研究人员早已揭发,人类的脑电波可能会被利用来盗取网络密码。


Researchers have revealed that brainwaves can be used to steal online passwords.研究人员早已揭发,人类的脑电波可能会被利用来盗取网络密码。A team at the University of Alabama at Birmingham found brainwave-sensing headsets, also known as EEG or electroencephalograph headsets, put users at risk.伯明翰阿拉巴马大学的一个研究团队找到,脑电波耳机会(或称作EEG、脑电图耳机)使用户正处于极大风险之中。They have become commonplace both as medical devices but also as game controllers, ranging in price from $150 to $800.这些仪器在医疗器械和游戏控制器中很广泛,价格从150美元到800美元平均。

These emerging devices open immense opportunities for everyday users, said Nitesh Saxena, Ph.D., associate professor in the UAB College of Arts and Sciences Department of Computer and Information Sciences.阿拉巴马大学艺术科学学院计算机与信息科学系副教授尼泰什·赛克森纳博士回应:“这些新的设备为普通用户带给了极大的机会。”However, they could also raise significant security and privacy threats as companies work to develop even more advanced brain-computer interface technology.“但是随着企业研发更为先进设备的脑机接口技术,它们也可能会引起根本性的安全性和隐私威胁。”The team found that a person who paused a video game and logged into a bank account while wearing an EEG headset was at risk for having their passwords or other sensitive data stolen by a malicious software program.该团队找到,对于那些配戴脑电图耳机、停止游戏并登岸银行账户的人来说,他们就不存在着被恶意软件盗取密码或其他敏感数据的风险。



Saxena and his team used one EEG headset currently available to consumers online and one clinical-grade headset used for scientific research to demonstrate how easily a malicious software program could passively eavesdrop on a users brainwaves.赛克森纳和他团队用于了两种脑波设备--一种能在网上卖到,另一种则是用作科学研究的临床级别设备,从而展出恶意软件是多么精彩地就能被动盗取用户的脑电波。While typing, a users inputs correspond with their visual processing, as well as hand, eye and head muscle movements. All these movements are captured by EEG headsets.在点字的时候,用户的输出是与视觉处置以及手、眼和头部肌肉的运动相符的。而所有这些动作都能被脑电图耳机捕捉到。



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